The Correlation Between Job Choice And Divorce

Studies have been done taking a look at everything imaginable. When it comes to divorce statistics, there are countless studies looking at the various factors that impact marital satisfaction, and, ultimately, divorce rates. Research has been done examining the impact of age, income, and education on the potential for divorce. It has scrutinized the chances for divorce based on whether it’s a first, second, or third marriage. There are even studies that connect your chances of a successful marriage to that of your parents. So it should be no surprise that studies have examined the correlation between various jobs and divorce.
Which Jobs have the Lowest Divorce Rates?
It’s no surprise that couples with more money and higher levels of education tend to stay married for longer. Experts believe the stability of these factors translate into less stress. Jobs that don’t require more than a high school education are connected to roughly double the divorce rate of jobs that require a minimum of a four-year degree. The lowest divorce rate goes to actuaries, who divorce at a rate of just 17 percent. Other professionals follow closely behind, with scientists and clergy at under 20 percent, and optometrists, physical therapists, software developers, doctors, and chemical engineers enjoying fairly solid marriage rates. The ten most marriage-friendly professions have a median divorce rate of just under 22 percent. Worth noting is the median income of this group, which is $75,000.
Who has the Highest Divorce Rates?
Gaming managers take the lead in the divorce race, with 53 percent of marriages ending in divorce. Other professions linked to high rates include flight attendants, bartenders, machine workers, telemarketers, textile workers, and workers in the gaming field. In contrast with those in lower-divorcing professions, these workers have a median income of less than half what their professional counterparts make.
What does it all mean? Is it important for college coeds to spend more time looking for future spouses in the math, computer, or science departments instead of at a bar or gambling table? Should someone who wants a long-term relationship avoid flirting with flight attendants? Of course, these studies are not predictive, and do not show that one particular profession causes divorce any more than another. The studies are merely correlative—showing a connection between various jobs and divorce rates. Other factors are not taken into consideration, such as age, addictions, family issues, debt, and so on.
If You’re Headed for a Divorce…
Regardless of the professions involved–or any other factors, for that matter—if you’ve decided that your marriage is no longer sustainable, you want professional, reliable legal advice and representation moving forward. At Courtney & Mills, you can count on nothing less. Contact our Springfield divorce attorneys for a confidential consultation today.