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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


When Your Ex Isn’t Abiding By The Parenting Agreements

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

You’d hoped that the battles with your former spouse would be behind you once your divorce was finalized—but, as luck would have it, the rancor has continued well past that time.  It seems there is constantly something: an argument over who gets the kids on a particular weekend, a late (or non-existent) child support… Read More »

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Is A Guardianship Or Conservatorship In The Cards?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

The aging process can be cruel.  In addition to the physical ailments suffered by so many, mental incompetence sometimes ravages the elderly, leaving family with the daunting task of deciding on the proper management and care of a disabled loved one.  Sometimes, this care requires a legal process related to obtaining guardianship or conservatorship. … Read More »

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Should You Accept A Plea Deal In Your Criminal Case?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

When faced with the opportunity to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence, you may be overwhelmed with questions.  How do you know if the offer is a good one? Naturally, any offer is unique to the circumstances of the case.  In evaluating yours, your best bet is to consult with a trusted… Read More »

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When Divorce Sneaks Up On You

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Happily married…how many people can claim that?  Sure, your relationship isn’t dripping with excitement or spontaneity these days, but you’re comfortable.  You complement one another, and you’ve managed to get a bead on the American dream.  Life is good—a couple of kids, a two-bedroom home with a little yard for the dog, and a… Read More »

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Modifying Your Parenting Plan In Missouri

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If the parenting plan and/or child support you and your former spouse agreed to at the time of your divorce just isn’t working anymore, you may be considering trying to make changes.  While your best bet is to talk things through with your ex and try to come to an agreement that can be… Read More »

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Is A 50:50 Shared Custody Agreement The Best Situation?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Back in the ‘70’s when couples divorced it was a pretty sure thing that Mom would get full custody of the kids and Dad would pay child support.  Nowadays, a lot has changed.  The impact of a father on his children is now recognized, along with his rights and responsibilities.  It is often in… Read More »

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Changes To Child Support Calculations In Missouri

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Are you heading for a divorce and trying to figure out what your financial circumstances will look like after the child support is calculated? If you have friends or family who’ve gone through a divorce and have already navigated all the ins and outs of child support, they are probably giving you lots of… Read More »

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How Much Faith Should Juries Put In Forensic Evidence?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Any crime drama aficionado can tell you that guilty verdicts often rest on the strength of forensic evidence.  The case could be up in the air—until magically a fingerprint or a wayward strand of hair is discovered by a zealous detective.  Instantly, it seems, the evidence is analyzed in the lab, proving beyond a… Read More »

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Are You Considering A Legal Separation?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If your marriage is on the rocks but you don’t want to get a divorcee at this point, what other options are open to you?  Perhaps a legal separation could meet your needs.  Basically, this means that the marriage is not officially terminated, but “separate maintenance” is established. It is a good solution for… Read More »

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Missouri Divorce Basics

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you’re headed for a divorce, you are likely unsure about what the future holds.  Understanding the laws here in Missouri can help you prepare for the divorce itself, as well as life after divorce.  Here are some basic things you need to know. Equitable Distribution  Obviously, marital property and debt is going to… Read More »

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