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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


You Have The Right To Remain Silent…

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

We’ve all seen the movies where a suspect is arrested and read his rights. And unlike the fictional storyline on television, Miranda rights are guaranteed in the Constitution, and if you are unfortunate enough to have a police officer read them to you, it would be worth your while to take advantage of them. … Read More »

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The Correlation Between Job Choice And Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Studies have been done taking a look at everything imaginable.  When it comes to divorce statistics, there are countless studies looking at the various factors that impact marital satisfaction, and, ultimately, divorce rates.  Research has been done examining the impact of age, income, and education on the potential for divorce.  It has scrutinized the… Read More »

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Silver Divorce: Understanding Rules To Splitting Retirement And Pension Accounts

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Aging Missourians who are contemplating divorce often have different concerns than younger couples.  While young families with minor children spend much of their time and energy working out family planning arrangements, empty nesters don’t have that challenge.  On the other hand, retirement issues are often at the forefront of concerns for those considering divorce… Read More »

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Am I Entitled To Social Security Benefits Based On My Former Spouse’s Record?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you are getting or are already divorced and are looking for a few extra dollars each month, your former spouse’s social security benefits may be the answer.  Regardless of whether or not your ex has remarried, there are certain conditions under which you are entitled to benefits based on their work record. Conditions… Read More »

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Missouri Alimony Questions Answered

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

For anyone contemplating divorce, the list of questions about how to proceed and what to expect may seem endless.  In particular, concerns about financial arrangements loom because both parties will be affected by them to a rather large extent.  When it comes to spousal support, it’s worth understanding Missouri law in order to gauge… Read More »

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Can I Get Custody Of My Child If I’m Not Married To The Mother?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Marriage and childbirth don’t always occur in that order.  For some couples, marriage is simply not a consideration at all. In these circumstances, what rights do parents have with regard to their children in the event the adult relationship comes to an end? Is custody even an option in such cases?  The answer is… Read More »

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Spousal Support: Crafting A Fair Deal For Both Sides

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

One of the greatest concerns many people face as they contemplate divorce is whether they will have the means to live and thrive after the dissolution of the marriage.  The higher earner may fear that requirements for spousal support will decimate any chance of a future, while a partner who never worked outside the… Read More »

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What Can You Do If You Lose Custody In Missouri?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Custody matters in Missouri generally lean toward awarding joint custody in a divorce, with the underlying belief being that a child is best served by having frequent and easy access to both parents.  Even so, parents are sometimes unable to come to agreements related to a parenting plan, leaving the court to select one… Read More »

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Playing Dirty In Divorce Can Boomerang

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you are going to divorce your spouse, you may have feelings of resentment, anger, and shame.  Perhaps you were married to a really awful person, and you’ve been emotionally devastated time and again.  You’ve suffered promises for a better life, and ridden the roller coaster of hope and disappointment one too many times. … Read More »

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How Can Mental Health Issues Affect Your Divorce?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Marriage can be a source of satisfaction and joy, as well as of frustration and despair.  Without question, mental health issues can complicate a marriage, straining ties and leaving one or both partners to consider divorce.  If you find yourself contemplating the end of your marriage and mental health issues are a factor, you… Read More »

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